Monday, April 19, 2010

Got to Get 'Em

The heat has been peaking its head around winter's corner for long enough. And its gonna be hot for a while starting this friday the 23rd with the new release of Nike's white & red Penny 3's.

Personally, red is one of my favorite colors, on top of one of my favorite sneakers, these are definite must have. I might not go to class just to make sure I have them.. This summer's sneaker list starts off with a bang!


  1. Why do guys go crazy over shoes? I dont get it like I understand why they want them but with a girl its not like that at all unless you live off of high fashion.

  2. Nice shoes, gotta make sure your shoe game is together. The tats are tight too how much did all them cost.

  3. why do girls go crazy over heals? guys wanna see them on their bed room floor not your feet! lol j/k. Its just guy thing...

  4. I got all of them done at different times... so all together ti came to about 400 so far..
